In front of a camera, on a horse, in a garage trying to repair your car, at home, on a tatami, or gathered in prayer... the woman in all its forms.
Maya Press
Maya Press
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46 imagesAprès plus de 3 ans d'absence, Valerie PEREZ fait son retour sur le petit écran. Photos: Bruno VIGNERON / Maya-Press
24 imagesLa mécanique est un métier d'hommes ? Plus maintenant ... Grâce aux 14 jeunes femmes du garage au féminin. C'est le genre à priori qui fait sourire Hervé Malige. Dans la banlieue de Montpellier, il existe une concession automobiles dont les quatorze salariés sont.... des femmes. Toutes sorties de l'école de mécanique d'Hervé Malige, la Base 34, elles sont également actionnaires de l'entreprise. Ce qui amuse, des que l'on pénètre dans le garage, c'est le coin enfant ... et ce qui interpelle ... c'est la propreté. Pas de chiffon qui traîne, ni de trace d'huile au sol. Quand on repart, un petit mot sur le volant vous souhaite bonne route. Avec une fleur glissée en travers. Photos: Bruno VIGNERON / Maya-Press Fiddling about with cars is a manly occupation ? Not anymore ... Thanks to the 14 young women from the "Garage au feminin" created by Herve Malige. A gender that makes him see life in a funny pink, apparently.. In the outskirts of Montpellier, he created an automobile concession fourteen employees of which are women. All of them were trained at the Hervé Malige's school of mechanics called " the Base 34?. They are also shareholders of the company. What is funny when we enter the garage is the children's corner ... and what a surprise ...its cleanliness! No duster lying around, no trace of oil on the ground. When you leave, a little note on the steering wheel with a flower sticked wish you "Have a good trip!".
57 imagesEn France, pour devenir jockey, on est obligé de passer par l'une des cinq écoles d'état qui préparent aux Cap A, Bep A et Bac A. Les élèves deviendront driver ou jockey. Leur rythme scolaire oscille entre l'école et l'apprentissage chez les propriétaires de chevaux où ils apprendront tour à tour toutes les ficelles du métier, depuis le palefrenier jusqu'au jockey. Cette année, à l'Ecole des Courses Hippiques, 65% des inscrits sont des femmes. L'année prochaine ce pourcentage augmentera encore, ce qui inquiète le monde des courses hippiques. Surtout que, selon un animateur de l'un de ces centres, le monde du hippisme - d'un point vue «macho» est très proche du monde de la boxe ... dans les années 50 ... c'est vous dire... A ce rythme, dans une dizaine d'années, tous les jockeys seront des femmes. La femme serait-elle l'avenir du cheval ? Photos: Bruno VIGNERON/Maya-Press world of horseracing is now opening to women. More and more young women are trained to become jockey, to the detriment of men. This year, the school of Horseracing, 65% of registered students are women. In france, to become a jockey, it is necessary to pass through one of the five public schools that train to cap A, Bep and Bac A, type of A level, graduation. Pupils will become driver or jockey. Their school rhythm teeters between school and apprenticeship to horse owners where they will learn by turns all the tricks of the trade, from groom to jockey. This year, the school of Horseracing, 65% of registered students are women. Next year this percentage will raise again, which actually get horseracing crowd worried. Especially because, according to an animator of one of these centers, the world of horseracing - on a masochist level is very close to the one of boxing ... in the fifties ... At this speed, in around ten years from now, all jockeys will be women. Could the woman possibly the horse's future ?
6 imagesGiulietta, a young Shin Sumotori in training with Daniel, his boyfriend and Marc Shin Sumo the ballet of the giants. Photos: Bruno VIGNERON/Maya-Press
18 imagesThe World of casinos is opening up. Gone is the closed circle of slot machines, and no longer are Blackjack and poker tables almost exlusively frequented by men. From now on women can also be part of the action. They are many to animate tables, gather bets and explain the rules. Text on the blog. For sales, in France, contact us: Thanks.
38 imagesIn the remote part of the French country, nuns locks themselves, sometimes for life, for the benefit of the whole humanity. Dhagpo Kundreul Ling, Le Bost. Text on the blog For sales, in France, contact us: Thanks.
92 imagesIn the remote part of the French country, nuns locks themselves, sometimes for life, for the benefit of the whole humanity. Dhagpo Kundreul Ling, Le Bost. Text on the blog. For sales, in France, contact us: Thanks.
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39 imagesShin Sumo European Championship,lausanne, Switzerland. Shin Sumo the ballet of the giants. Photos: Bruno VIGNERON/Maya-Press
12 imagesQuelques images de Delphine Depardieu, nièce de Gérard et fille d'Alain. Photos: Bruno VIGNERON/Maya-Press Some images Delphine Depardieu, daughter of Alain and niece of Gerard. For sales, in France, contact us: Thanks.
25 imagesQuelques images de Delphine Depardieu, la fille d'Alain et nièce de Gérard. Photos: Bruno VIGNERON/Maya-Press Some images Delphine Depardieu, daughter of Alain and niece of Gerard . For sales, in France, contact us: Thanks.
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31 imagesIn 1975, as many as 100 sex workers in France gathered at Lyon’s Saint-Nizier Church and protested against the criminalisation of their work and exploitative living conditions The occupation of Saint - Nizier church by Lyon prostitutes refers to the ten-day occupation of the Saint-Nizier Church in Lyon by more than a hundred prostitutes on 2 June 1975 to draw attention to their inhumane working conditions. The occupation lasted eight days until the women were removed by the police on 10 June. Sympathetic occupations of churches by prostitutes have been followed in Paris, Marseille, Grenoble, Saint-Étienne and Montpellier. This day is celebrated in order to amplify the voices of those involved in sex work. The living conditions of sex workers are often exploitative. It is because of the reason that sex work is criminalised in several countries and therefore, its workers are not treated like those working in other professions. The protest happened each 2 June and this is why it is today marked as International Sex Workers' Day. It is significant as even today, sex workers around the world are struggling to get basic rights. The day acts as a platform to demand equal rights. It also celebrates the impact of the first protest and how when together, the community of sex workers is stronger.
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