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By Maya Press
By Maya Press
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21 imagesAs societies industrialize and the technological revolution continues, there has been an unprecedented increase in the number and diversity of electromagnetic field (EMF) sources. These sources include video display units (VDUs) associated with computers, mobile phones and their base stations. While these devices have made our life richer, safer and easier, they have been accompanied by concerns about possible health risks due to their EMF emissions. Photos: Bruno VIGNERON/Maya-Press For sales, in France, contact us: Thanks.
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73 imagesSince 1643, the traditional vows of aldermen While the traditional vows of aldermen, Mgr Barbarin celebrates mass in the occasion of Virgin Mary's anniversary, then he grants traditional blessing to the city of Lyon and to its inhabitants from the balcony of the Fourviere Basilica.
75 images10th Anniversay's defile of Dance Biennal. As every year since 1994, the festival attracts thousands of people who are a mix of different classes and ethnic origins.
16 imagesQu'ils soient stylistes, fonctionnaires, femmes au foyer, animateurs, tous ont opté pour un style de vie different. Un style de vie qui rappelle la nonchalance et la convivialité, un certain aspect du bonheur. Photos: Bruno VIGNERON/Maya-Press Gallery in progress Similar on this website: Happydays, Welcome back...
37 imagesEach year, dozens of rockabilly fans get together in a town of Spain, Calafell For a week, wherever in this small town near Barcelona they live as people did in the 50?s; Photos: Bruno VIGNERON/Maya-Press Similar on this site: Happy Days: France - Highlighted portraits
64 imagesLes 20 et 21 nov 2010, le Saint-Père a créé 24 nouveaux cardinaux, dont 20 âgés de moins de 80 ans, donc « électeurs », en cas de conclave pour élire un nouveau pape. Avec ces derniers, le Sacré collège, est porté a 203 dont 121 électeurs. Parmi ces nouveaux « princes » de l'Église on compte onze Européens, dont pas moins de huit Italiens... pour seulement deux Américains, trois Africains, deux Latino-Américains, un Égyptien et un Sri-lankais. L'un des africains n'est autre que Mgr Laurent Monsengwo Pasinya (RDC) qui prit une part active dans le gouvernement congolais à la mort de Mobutu. Ce consistoire sera le troisième de Benoît XVI. Le 24 novembre 2007, il avait déjà créé 23 cardinaux, dont 18 électeurs. Dix-huit mois plus tôt, le 24 mars 2006, il en avait créé 15, dont 12 électeurs. N'hésitez pas à faire votre sélection ou nous contacter pour tout renseignement complémentaire:
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137 imagesAlain Viret est sourcier radiesthésiste. Son fils Philippe est oenologue. A eux deux ils ont créé un concept basé sur des techniques ancestrales. Ils utilisent la polarité de la Terre et les énergies cosmiques afin de faire un vin vierge de tout produit chimique. Grâce a son savoir, Alain a repéré les courants telluriques parcourant leur domaine et y a implanté des menhirs afin d'utiliser au mieux les énergies de la Terre. Ils cultivent leurs vignes dans le même esprit que les anciens Mayas. Leur histoire est comme le roman français "Manon des Sources". Ils savaient qu'il y avait de l'eau, mais sans réussir a la trouver précisément. Les agriculteurs voisins les raillaient. Maintenant, ils produisent un vin extraordinaire, sans sulfates, sans additifs et certaines de leurs vinification sont faites dans des amphores. Et là, les paysans locaux ne rient plus du tout. Et Philippe refuse toujours catégoriquement d'endosser le rôle d'Ugolin.... In the south of France are winemakers who use the cosmic energy to make wine. The vines are on Roman ruins, in the exact area were the ancient baths. They use the polarity of the Earth, cosmic energies and they planted menhirs for polarize the ground. They cultivate their vineyards with respect to the ground, in the same spirit as the ancient Maya. Their history is like the french novel "Manon des sources". They knew there was water, but the neighboring farmers laughed at them. Now, they produce an extraordinary wine, without sulfite, without chemical additives and some of their wine making is made in amphoras. For sales, in France, contact us: Thanks.
35 imagesThe "Rrom" problem isn't a new problem. Already, when the French president was the secretary of the interior, the hunting was open. Ten-years ago, a doctor of WHO had reported this camp in a suburb of Paris This community of 250 people had been installed by the city in a dirty area , between Africans who beat them daily and a neo-nazis group who set loose their dogs on them for fun. When I told them I was going to live with them for a few days and take these photos, they were astonished. Rom (Rrom) means "human beings" and was adopted by the IRU (International Romani Union) and the United Nations to designate a group of populations whose initial languages are from the north-western Indian subcontinent. Photos: Bruno VIGNERON/Maya-Press More informations on the blog (French)
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19 imagesLe Campo Santo Teutonico est la plus ancienne Fondation nationale allemande à Rome. Situé a gauche de la basilique Saint-Pierre, le cimetière teutonique entouré d'un grand mur d'enceinte, n'attire pas immédiatement l'attention, mais le charme de ce cloître chargé d'histoire s'ouvre vite au passant même le plus pressé. C'est ici que se situait autrefois le cirque de Néron, qui fut le théâtre du martyre de nombreux chrétiens. Après le sac de Rome, la chapelle des Suisses fut le lieu de sépulture des gardes. A cause de sa position assez particulière, le cimetière est bien sûr depuis toujours un lieu de sépulture très recherché. Selon les statuts, les personnes qui ont droit de sépulture en ce lieu sont les membres de l'Archiconfrérie, les membres de plusieurs maisons religieuses d'origine allemande et des deux autres collèges allemands à Rome : l' « Anima » et le « Germanico ». On y trouve également les tombes de défunts célèbres dans les domaines de la vie ecclésiale, de l'art, de la politique ou de la diplomatie. La dernière inhumation est celle du jeune prince Alexis de Windisch-Graetz, en 2010. Il était le second fils du prince Hugo, l'un des gentilhommes du Pape Benoit XVI, et de l'archiduchesse Sophie de Habsbourg.
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72 imagesUsed in the culinary arts for many centuries, edible gold knows no crisis, despite the sharp rise in bullion prices. It is also known with the code "E175" in the food industry; and in medical use, it is known as chrysotherapie in French-speaking . 81 BC a chinese writer talk about, Moise "took the gold calf and pounded it to powder, and strewed it upon the water, and made the children of Israel drink of it..." Today, many renowned chefs use it: Philippe BERNACHON who has an international reputation and who is considered one of the best chocolate maker, or Christophe MARGUIN, president of "Les Toques Blanches Lyonnaises" and owner of the eponymous restaurant near Lyon. There's also Gualtiero Marchesi, considered to be the founder of modern Italian Cuisine.... Utilisé dans l'art culinaire depuis plusieurs siècles, l'or alimentaire ne connaît pas la crise, malgré la hausse brutale du prix du lingot. On le connaît également sous le code "E175" dans l'industrie alimentaire et dans le domaine médical son utilisation est connue comme "chrysothérapie". Aujourd'hui, de nombreux cuisiniers de renom l'utilisent: que ce soit Philippe BERNACHON, considéré comme l'un des meilleurs chocolatiers qui soit, ou encore Christophe MARGUIN, président des Toques Blanches Lyonnaises et propriétaire du restaurant éponyme, près de Lyon. Article en cours...
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46 images"Kill the pig", is a very ancient regional tradition in Loire, a french county. Kill the pig by oneself is forbidden. Except if you have a farm and a breeder's license. You only can eat it by yourself or in family. A farming family has agreed that I follow them when they kill the pig. "Tuer le cochon", est une très ancienne tradition régionale dans la Loire. Le tuer soi-meme est interdit en France. Sauf si vous avez une ferme, et une licence d'éleveur. Vous ne pouvez, dans ce cas que le consommer vous même ou votre famille. Une famille de fermiers a accepté que je les suive quand ils tuent le cochon. Voici ce que dit le code rural en la matière : « Article R231-15. Sans préjudice de l'application des dispositions particulières prévues par le présent code, les animaux de boucherie ne peuvent être abattus hors d'un abattoir que dans les cas suivants : 1/Lorsque l'abattage doit être pratiqué d'urgence pour cause d'accident. Dans ce cas, l'inspection sanitaire et qualitative de l'animal sera obligatoirement effectuée dans un abattoir ; 2/Lorsqu'une personne pratique l'abattage d'animaux des espèces caprine, ovine et porcine qu'elle a élevés ou entretenus et dont elle réserve la totalité à la consommation de sa famille. L'abattage ou la mise à mort des volailles et des lapins domestiques par la personne qui les a élevés ou entretenus est autorisé lorsque cette personne en réserve la totalité à la consommation de sa famille. »
19 imagesThe Day Nina Simone Stopped Singing Raised on Baudelaire, A Clockwork Orange, and fine Bordeaux in 1970s Lebanon, Darina Al-Joundi was encouraged by her unconventional father to defy all taboos. As the bombs fell, she lived an adolescence of excess and transgression, defying death in nightclubs. The more oppressive the country became, the more drugs and anonymous sex she had, fueling the resentment by day of the same men who would spend the night with her. As the war dies down, she begins to incur the consequences of her lifestyle. On his deathbed, her father's last wish is for his favorite song, "Sinnerman," by Nina Simone, to be played at his funeral instead of the traditional suras of the Koran. When she does just that, the results are catastrophic. In this dramatic true story, Darina Al-Joundi is defiantly passionate about living her life as a liberated woman, even if it means leaving everyone and everything behind.
9 imagesPierre Lellouche est membre de plusieurs groupes d'études internationaux visant au renforcement du lien transatlantique et à éclairer les grands mouvements qui animent les relations internationales. Il est notamment membre du comité de direction de Nuclear Threat Initiative, vice-président (France) de l'Atlantic Partnership, membre de la commission Trilatérale et de l'International Institute for Strategic Studies. Expert en relations internationales, partisan du libéralisme économique, il est membre du courant libéral de l'UMP «Les Réformateurs». Il est également l'auteur de la loi, votée à l'unanimité par le Parlement français le 16 décembre 2002, visant à aggraver les peines en cas de violence à caractère raciste ou antisémite. Il apporte son soutien en 2003 à la politique de guerre préventive en Irak menée par le gouvernement des États-Unis d'Amérique du président George W Bush. Il est l'auteur de nombreux ouvrages: L'Allié indocile : La France et l'OTAN, de la Guerre froide à l'Afghanistan, Éditions du Moment, 2009 Illusions gauloises, Grasset, 2006 La République immobile, Grasset, 1998 Le Nouveau Monde, de l'ordre de Yalta au désordre des nations, Grasset, 1992. Prix aujourd'hui, Hachette Pluriel, 1993 Le Millénaire de l'Apocalypse, roman, avec Florence Trystam, Flammarion, 1980 Le Couple franco-allemand et la Défense de l'Europe, avec Karl Kaiser, IFRI-Economica, 1986 L'Avenir de la guerre, essai, Mazarine, 1985 Pacifisme et dissuasion, IFRI-Economica, 1983 Photos: Bruno VIGNERON/Maya-Press
98 imagesLYON, FRANCE - DECEMBER 08: A general view from the highest tower of the Basilica of Fourvieres, during the Festival of Lights on December 8, 2013 in Lyon, France. (Photo by Bruno Vigneron/Getty Images)
1 imageFrance has been the theater of a little revolution for human rights. Like all huge cities, many homeless people live in the streets of Paris. There are many of them... too many actually, because that's what we should always say when talking about people in need. Photos: Bruno VIGNERON/Maya-Press For sales, in France, contact us: Thanks.
16 imagesLYON, FRANCE - DECEMBER 06: A tunnel of nearly 2 km for pedestrians, bicycles and buses, embellished with videos and sound effects, is inaugurated on December 6, 2013 in Lyon, France. The tunnel, passing under the Croix-Rousse, will take 2 mins by bus, 10 minutes by bike and 20-30 minutes walk. (Photo by Bruno Vigneron/Getty Images)
57 imagesEn France, pour devenir jockey, on est obligé de passer par l'une des cinq écoles d'état qui préparent aux Cap A, Bep A et Bac A. Les élèves deviendront driver ou jockey. Leur rythme scolaire oscille entre l'école et l'apprentissage chez les propriétaires de chevaux où ils apprendront tour à tour toutes les ficelles du métier, depuis le palefrenier jusqu'au jockey. Cette année, à l'Ecole des Courses Hippiques, 65% des inscrits sont des femmes. L'année prochaine ce pourcentage augmentera encore, ce qui inquiète le monde des courses hippiques. Surtout que, selon un animateur de l'un de ces centres, le monde du hippisme - d'un point vue «macho» est très proche du monde de la boxe ... dans les années 50 ... c'est vous dire... A ce rythme, dans une dizaine d'années, tous les jockeys seront des femmes. La femme serait-elle l'avenir du cheval ? Photos: Bruno VIGNERON/Maya-Press world of horseracing is now opening to women. More and more young women are trained to become jockey, to the detriment of men. This year, the school of Horseracing, 65% of registered students are women. In france, to become a jockey, it is necessary to pass through one of the five public schools that train to cap A, Bep and Bac A, type of A level, graduation. Pupils will become driver or jockey. Their school rhythm teeters between school and apprenticeship to horse owners where they will learn by turns all the tricks of the trade, from groom to jockey. This year, the school of Horseracing, 65% of registered students are women. Next year this percentage will raise again, which actually get horseracing crowd worried. Especially because, according to an animator of one of these centers, the world of horseracing - on a masochist level is very close to the one of boxing ... in the fifties ... At this speed, in around ten years from now, all jockeys will be women. Could the woman possibly the horse's future ?
24 imagesLa mécanique est un métier d'hommes ? Plus maintenant ... Grâce aux 14 jeunes femmes du garage au féminin. C'est le genre à priori qui fait sourire Hervé Malige. Dans la banlieue de Montpellier, il existe une concession automobiles dont les quatorze salariés sont.... des femmes. Toutes sorties de l'école de mécanique d'Hervé Malige, la Base 34, elles sont également actionnaires de l'entreprise. Ce qui amuse, des que l'on pénètre dans le garage, c'est le coin enfant ... et ce qui interpelle ... c'est la propreté. Pas de chiffon qui traîne, ni de trace d'huile au sol. Quand on repart, un petit mot sur le volant vous souhaite bonne route. Avec une fleur glissée en travers. Photos: Bruno VIGNERON / Maya-Press Fiddling about with cars is a manly occupation ? Not anymore ... Thanks to the 14 young women from the "Garage au feminin" created by Herve Malige. A gender that makes him see life in a funny pink, apparently.. In the outskirts of Montpellier, he created an automobile concession fourteen employees of which are women. All of them were trained at the Hervé Malige's school of mechanics called " the Base 34?. They are also shareholders of the company. What is funny when we enter the garage is the children's corner ... and what a surprise ...its cleanliness! No duster lying around, no trace of oil on the ground. When you leave, a little note on the steering wheel with a flower sticked wish you "Have a good trip!".
29 imagesThe election of Grand Rabbi of France took place on june 22, 2008. Aged 56, Gilles Bernheim becomes the Chief Rabbi of the synagogue de la Victoire in Paris. The new Grand Rabbi of France is elected for a seven years mandate and will be taking up his duties on the first of january 2009, according to the status of the central consistory. For sales, in France, contact us: Thanks.
22 imagesTransformer une chapelle en salle de concert et renouveler l'église, c'est le pari né de la rencontre de Benjamin et Thomas POUZIN avec le père David GREA, nouvellement nommé à Lyon. Soutenu par Philippe BARBARIN, Primat des Gaules et cardinal de Lyon, ils ont été jusqu'à Rome afin d'offrir 2 de leurs albums au Pape. Photos: Bruno VIGNERON/Maya-Press For sales, in France, contact us: Thanks.
18 imagesThe World of casinos is opening up. Gone is the closed circle of slot machines, and no longer are Blackjack and poker tables almost exlusively frequented by men. From now on women can also be part of the action. They are many to animate tables, gather bets and explain the rules. Text on the blog. For sales, in France, contact us: Thanks.
38 imagesIn the remote part of the French country, nuns locks themselves, sometimes for life, for the benefit of the whole humanity. Dhagpo Kundreul Ling, Le Bost. Text on the blog For sales, in France, contact us: Thanks.
92 imagesIn the remote part of the French country, nuns locks themselves, sometimes for life, for the benefit of the whole humanity. Dhagpo Kundreul Ling, Le Bost. Text on the blog. For sales, in France, contact us: Thanks.
15 imagesEpide, centres de seconde chance. Dans un encadrement composé essentiellement d'anciens militaires, les jeunes en echec scolaire tente de remonter la pente. Photos: Bruno VIGNERON/Maya-Press For sales, in France, contact us: Thanks.
17 imagesEdito, cigars "Made in France" Photos: Bruno VIGNERON/Maya-Press For sales, in France, contact us: Thanks.
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54 imagesDuring my collaboration with an UNESCO program, I went several times in Africa, including Rwanda Here are some photos of these different missions, mostly with regard to orphans of Rwanda and the mission with Marie Jose Perrec and Marie Jose Lallart (UNESCO) For sales, in France, contact us: Thanks.
4 imagesQuelques images de cette délicieuse société du 21eme siècle. Photos: Bruno VIGNERON/Maya-Press For sales, in France, contact us: Thanks.
15 imagesFrench farmers from all over the country drove their tractors all the way to Paris (some left their farms on Sunday) to protest the rising production and administrative fees. Photos: Bruno VIGNERON/Maya-Press For sales, in France, contact us: Thanks.
19 imagesUrgencies on strike. Too many sick people, not enough staff... Welcome in the "best department hospital in the world". Photos: Bruno VIGNERON/Maya-Press For sales, in France, contact us: Thanks.
22 imagesRestaurant et cabaret aphrodisiaque, Paris. Le Secret Square, temple du glamour et de la volupté, est situé dans le 17eme arrondissement, vous invite à découvrir le seul restaurant et cabaret aphrodisiaque de la capitale. Canapés de velours rouge, bougies et lumières tamisées, on retrouve l'esprit boudoir réminiscence du Shangaï des années 20, propice à la séduction. Une ambiance lounge, un orgue à parfums contenant des flacons illuminés, toute cette harmonie fait du Secret Square le temple absolu de la sensualité. ( Source: Photos: Maya-Press
44 imagesL'effeuillage serait l'ancêtre du striptease. Il serait né à Paris, et aurait rapidement débordé des frontières pour devenir le "Striptease". Pas vraiment, à priori.... Photos Bruno Vigneron /Maya-Press
6 imagesReportage effectué a Madagascar, en compagnie de Marie José Perrec ambassadrice pour l'occasion de L'Unesco. Programme Esperance et Solidarité autour d'un ballon dirigé par Marie José Lallart. A la rencontres des orphelins rwandais. Photos: Bruno VIGNERON/Maya-Press Gallery in progress
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12 imagesLYON, FRANCE - JANUARY 21: Lyon's mayor and socialist party's candidate for the March 2014 mayoral elections in Lyon, Gerard Collomb poses during a mayoral elections press conference on January 21, 2014 in Lyon, France. (Photo by Bruno Vigneron/Getty Images)
18 imagesLYON, RHONE-ALPES - FEBRUARY 24: Gallo-Roman mosaics are uncovered during an archaeological excavation at the Ampere metro station, lift construction site on February 24, 2014 in Lyon, France. The mosaics forms part of a larger ancient pavement, partially excavated in 1860 and 1976 during the construction of the Lyon sewer network and the Ampere metro station respectively. (Photo by Bruno Vigneron/Getty Images)
12 imagesLYON, FRANCE - FEBRUARY 19: CEO Herve Arnaud poses with the C-ZEN a totally electric powertrain car is seen on February 19, 2014 in Lyon, France. It was designed by Jean Yves Castellon and Herve Arnaud. Boasting a range of 125 miles and a top speed of 68 miles per hour, this vehicle is targeted at urban dwellers, particularly the younger generation, who reside in European cities. (Photo by Bruno Vigneron/Getty Images)
82 imagesLYON, FRANCE - MARCH 01: Christophe Boudot, Marine Le Pen and Bruno Gollnisch. French far-right Front National (FN) party president Marine Le Pen in Lyon to support Christophe Boudot, local candidate to 2014 mayoral in Lyon during a press conference at Tête d’or meeting space on March 1, 2014 in Lyon, France. (Photo by Bruno Vigneron/Getty Images)
62 imagesFrench Far-right National Front's Honour President Jean-Marie Le Pen In Visit In Lyon. (Photo by Bruno Vigneron/Getty Images)
46 imagesRoomer Hotel Cat Created by Audrey Marrocco , this space, opened on march 2014, is only dedicated to the enjoyment of cats. There's no cages or fences. In this hotel, cats receive the same attention as human beings. 23 "standard" rooms are available, divided into different areas to avoid promiscuity." And a big one, like a "royal suite", but in a feline version. At "Roomer Hotel Cat", the "individual treatment" is important. A daily report is available to the owner at the end of stay. As a logbook , the document outlines all activities, the behavior of the animal, meals, etc.. Also, an infirmery and a playroom are available for these special customers. For that, you will pay the sum of 21 euros per day or 160 euros per week. A second one “cats hotel” will maybe open in Paris the next spring. (Photo by Bruno Vigneron/Getty Images)
47 imagesBased on a site where than 25 000 vehicles go per day , Paul Bocuse launches its first "Drive" The peculiar architecture of this " bocusian fast-good" was entrusted to John Vial- Voiron This concept has been considered extensively, both in its materials, signage, comfort and organization .. Everything has been optimized, as the front or back office, to improve efficiency and speed to accommodate guests in a solo building over 500 sqm, on 2 floors. The Bocuse Group plans to build a new Ouest Express by year, including the Grand Hôtel Dieu in 2017. In this " MacBo" it is not said "Burger " but "Caesar". At any time of the day you can taste a menu on the go. As in starred restaurants , the chef prefers to offer meat and cooked vegetables . We are received and served with the same requirement as that practiced in the high places of the gastronomy of Lyon . (Photo by Bruno Vigneron/Getty Images)
24 imagesLYON, FRANCE - MARCH 19: A general view at the Innorobo International Robotics Trade Show on on March 19, 2014 in Lyon, France. More than 300 robots and technologies will be demonstrated at Innorobo 2014, the biggest robotic show of its kind in Europe dedicated to service robotics. (Photo by Bruno Vigneron/Getty Images)
44 imagesLYON, FRANCE - APRIL 11: Minister of Women's right, Town, Youth and Sport of the new french government, Najat Vallaud-Belkacem visits Lyon's CAF to deliver message about the new disposal authorizing a better come back to professional life for parents on April 11, 2014 in Lyon, France. During the visit, the Minister will sign an agreement with Pole emploi and the National Family Allowances Fund (CNAF) to meet the specific needs of recipients. (Photo by Bruno Vigneron/Getty Images)
47 imagesLYON, FRANCE - APRIL 12: Cosplayers attend the 2014 Japan Touch Convention held at Double Mixte on April 12, 2014 in Lyon, France. Cosplay is the diminutive of 'costume play', meaning creating costumes to recreate atmosphere of some animations or movies. (Photo by Bruno Vigneron/Getty Images)
141 imagesEcole Hoteliere Tsuji ~ a world class French cuisine tradition Responsible for producing 40% of chefs and owners of Michelin starred restaurants in Japan, Tsuji Culinary Institute is the most renowned culinary school in Japan. Two chateaux was formed in the French campus located outside of Lyon. The primary, chateau de l'Eclair, is located in the Beaujolais regio, in the middle of a large vineyard. The intensive program in France is divided into two parts: 5 months are spent at the school where students go through 150 to 180 recipes. During this period, 15 star chefs from all over France are invited to give lectures and demonstrations. The second semester is spent on practical training at Michelin starred restaurants and under locally renowned chefs. The program is offered in French with Japanese instructors acting as intermediaries. Majority of the student body is Japanese with 5% represented by other Asian nationalities, although they must all spend the first year of the program in Japan in Japanese. It all started when Shizuo Tsuji, a former journalist, opened a culinary school in Japan in the 60’s. Through a chance meeting, he was introduced to Paul Bocuse. Under Tsuji’s invitation, Bocuse visited Japan for the first time in1970. Today, there is not a single person interested in studying French cuisine who doesn’t know Paul Bocuse. Shizuo decided to invite not only students but also professional chefs to attend the Bocuse’s seminar. The turn out was 600 participants. Recognizing the value of his work, French government conferred an honorary Meilleur ouvrier de France to Tsuji very early. This is already 40 years ago. Tsuji continued to invite the top chefs from France for seminars and demonstrations at his school in Japan. Because of these long historic ties, there is not one top-level chef in France who has not heard of Ecole hotelier Tsuji.
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36 imagesET-D5 is an anti-cancer molecule that can kill cancer tumors without damaging nearby organs. ET-D5 is developed by the start-up Ecrins -Therapeutics, founded in 2010. Oral chemotherapy. Aurélie Juhem, scientist and research director at Ecrins Therapeutics, is working on this molecule cancer for seven long years in partnership with the Institut Curie. Many promising tests have already been carried out on mouses. To move to the next stage, clinical trials in humans, the young start-up must raise € 500,000. The Financement of this research will be done through a platform of "crowdfunding". When this amount will be found, the first human trials could begin on patients of cancer center Léon Bérard in Lyon.
32 imagesFrench soldiers from 7th BCA, 3rd RAMA and paratroopers from 3rd RPIMA guarantee security of Great Synagogue, Great Mosque and some shopping malls on January 18, 2015 in Lyon, France
35 imagesTamara Marthe, nicknamed Shy’m, a French R&B singer attends a public showcase at Part-Dieu shopping center (Photo by Bruno Vigneron/Getty Images)
8 imagesLYON, FRANCE - JANUARY 21: The activists of the group " Alliance Vita " form an human chain during a demonstration to protest against the euthanasia. On signs:''Bring relief, but do not kill" on January 21, 2015 in Lyon, France. (Photo by Bruno Vigneron/Getty Images)
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20 imagesLYON, FRANCE - OCTOBER 15: Chef at the Marguerite Restaurant Tabata Bonardi leads a cooking class at the restaurant school The Institute Paul Bocuse for a group of 12 trainees of occupational integration in an experimental action for learning French in the restaurant industry on October 15, 2014 in Lyon, France. The original action was designed as part of a partnership between the state departments, the French Office for Immigration and Integration and the Training Centre of the United State of America. (Photo by Bruno Vigneron/Getty Images)
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18 imagesLYON, FRANCE - OCTOBER 15: French Minister of Ecology Segolene Royal attends the 7th National Meetings on Sounding Environment Quality on October 15, 2014 in Lyon, France. (Photo by Bruno Vigneron/Getty Images)
43 imagesDesigned as a "social place" to encouraging meetings, with an open kitchen, a private space, a bar, a terrace and vinoteca, the brewery FR AME is distinguished by the creativity of his chef Andrew Wigger and the timeless vision of interior architect and designer Christophe Pillet. Together, they managed to transfer the West Coast spirit in a Parisian environment. It is also the biggest Parisian vegetable garden with his chickens and bees. Directly from producer to consumer. Pensée comme un « lieu social » favorisant les rencontres, avec sa cuisine ouverte, son espace privé, son bar, sa vinoteca et sa terrasse, la brasserie FR\AME se distingue par la créativité du chef Andrew Wigger et la vision intemporelle de l’architecte d’intérieur et scénographe Christophe Pillet. À eux deux, ils ont réussi à transposer l’esprit West Coast dans un environnement parisien. C'est également le plus grand potager parisien avec, en plus, ses poules et ses abeilles. Directement du producteur au consommateur.
55 imagesMaking better lives of the elderly with "A velo sans age". Since its creation in 2012 by Ole Kassow in Denmark this movement keeps growing. Ole Kassow created it to pay homage to his father who was in a wheelchair all his life and wanted to do for the elderly what he had not been able to do for his father. Today it is more than 35,000 volunteer pilots in 52 countries. These trips out into their local environment provides a unique opportunity for the elderly to share their stories and experiences with pilots but also with passers-by, very often curious. And it also allows residents to make new friends in the residence. This intergenerational meeting contributes to the physical and mental well-being of the elderly and also of the volunteers, while thus offering nursing homes an opportunity to stimulate health and mobility. Ole received the 2014 Danish Community Award from the Danish Ministry of Employment for his initiative and he became an Ashoka Fellow, the world's leading NGO for creating change and social entrepreneurship.
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327 images"Honor and Loyalty" it is the legionnaire's motto. He never abandons his own. IILE, the last sanctuary for old legionnaires. Unique in the world “The creation of the Institution of the Invalids of the Foreign Legion is a beautiful dream cherished by all those who not only commanded the Legion, but above all loved it; all those who have understood in its humblest and most secret wheels, the specific mentality of the legionnaire who, in happiness as in misfortune, needs to feel at home” , was to declare the General Koenig, during the inauguration in May 2, 1954. More: "Honneur et fidélité", telle est la devise du légionnaire, et jamais il n’abandonnera les siens. L'IILE, dernier sanctuaire pour vieux légionnaires. Unique au monde, cette institution est inaugurée le 2 mai 1954 par le général Kœnig. Il dira « La création de l'Institution des Invalides de la Légion étrangère est un beau rêve qu'avaient caressé depuis longtemps tous ceux qui ont, non seulement commandé, mais avant tout aimé la Légion; tous ceux qui ont compris dans ses rouages les plus humbles, comme les plus secrets, la mentalité propre du légionnaire qui, dans le bonheur comme dans le malheur, a besoin de se sentir chez lui. ». Le légionnaire a un code d’honneur. 7 règlements qu'il a sur lui en permanence,du képi blanc au général. L’article 7 décrit: Au combat tu agis sans passion et sans haine, tu respectes les ennemis vaincus, tu n'abandonnes jamais ni tes morts, ni tes blessés, ni tes armes.
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151 imagesParmi les nouvelles tendances touristiques, ce que l'on appelle le "slow tourisme" est en passe de devenir un veritable phenomene societal, touchant tous les publics. Les croisieres fluviales en France occupent desormais une place sans cesse grandissante, a tel point que Lyon est devenue la capitale française des croisieres fluviales. Un style de vacances qui a le vent en poupe Ce choix de croisiere est un vrai moment de convivialite et de detente en couple, en famille ou encore entre amis. Mais pas seulement en France. Certaines compagnies proposent des voyages en Allemagne, Portugal, Russie, Asie... Veritables hotels flottants, le personnel de ces paquebots fluviaux y est a la fois souriant, aimable et patient. Les chefs cuisiniers de la compagnie gerent et conçoivent leurs menus dans la pure tradition de la gastronomie française. Suite du texte:
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65 imagesDéplacement de Jean-Michel BLANQUER à Lyon Jean-Michel BLANQUER, ministre de l’Education nationale, était à Lyon lundi 18 décembre 2017 avec Mme Moulin Civil, rectrice de l'académie de Lyon, Blandine Brocard et Anne Brugnera, députées LREM, pour visiter la Cite scolaire Elie Vignal, un établissement passerelle, collège et lycée, qui accueille une centaine d’élèves malades ou en situation de handicap ne pouvant plus suivre leur scolarité dans leur établissement de référence, en raison de leur fragilité. La visite de l’établissement était suivie d’un déjeuner au réfectoire
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15 imagesOne cocked hat having belonged to Napoleon and collected on the battlefield of Waterloo was sold on June 18th in Lyon. The opening bid was between 30 000 and 40000 euros. It was sold 280 000 euros During fifteen years of reign, Napoleon would have used it 120, approximately. About twenty were identified more clearly, including this one. It would have been collected, after the battle of Waterloo and the leak of Napoleon, by the captain of Dragons, the baron Arnout Jacques van ZUIJLEN van NIJEVELT.
238 imagesThe Fogueres de Sant Joan is the city’s most important celebration, and is officially declared as of International Tourist Interest. Its origin lies in the tradition of burning useless objects with the arrival of the summer solstice. Throughout the city, over 200 large satirical papier mâché statues are set up. These will go up in smoke on the 24th June during the spectacular Night of Burning or Noche de la Crema, alongside the popular Banya or soaking as firefighters put out the blazes. The celebrations include events such as the Mascletas (a stunning fireworks and firecrackers competition held from the 4th to the 24th in the Plaza de los Luceros square at 2pm) "Feria", which originally referred to an often agricultural economic event, still means "fair". In the field of leisure activities , a "feria" is always attached to bullfighting shows, and the festivities that accompany bullfights. The origin of the fair is always linked to a votive festival, like the Feria de San Isidro, patron saint of the city of Madrid. Feria pays tribute to a farmer who did charity with his wife Maria Torribia, although they themselves were in the greatest destitution (1080-1172). In the mid-nineteenth century, many gypsy women farmers began attending these fairs in their long, hand-made dresses from old clothes. They were often decorated with ruffles to make the simple fabrics more beautiful and more aesthetic. There are also ferias in Latin America (Mexico, Peru, Colombia and Venezuela). In Mexico, the largest fair is San Marcos National Fair, the oldest in the country. Its first edition took place in 1604.
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16 imagesCes papys qui font de la résistance. Dans un petit club de force athlétique de La Ricamarie, près de St Etienne, les papys forcent le respect. Pierre Colombet, 70 ans et ancien lignard chez Orange. Il vient de remporter le titre de Champion de France lors de sa première participation à ce genre de concours Jean François Vinot, 70 ans, quant à lui, vient de remporter le titre de Champion d’Europe. Il était déjà plusieurs fois champion de France Christian Delpieu, 70 ans. Cet ancien champion du monde de force athlétique leur sert de coach. Strongs grandpas In a modest and little-know athletic strength club near St Etienne, the grandpas command respect. Pierre Colombet, 70 years old and former agent of Orange Telecom. He has just won the title of Champion of France during his first participation in this kind of competition. Jean François Vinot, 70, has just won the title of European Champion. He was already several times champion of France Christian Delpieu, 70 years old. This former world champion in athletic strength serves as their coach.
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