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245 images20 years ago," the Crocodile Farm of Pierrelatte" was opened by Eric and Luc Fougeirol.
44 imagesCréée par Luc Fougeiroles en 1994, cette ferme, chauffés par l'usine "Eurodif*" , abrite plus de 350 crocodiles (9 espèces différentes). Depuis 1998, un laboratoire de recherche a été ajouté à la Ferme aux Crocodiles, et dix tortues géantes des Seychelles, une espèce protégée, ont rejoint les crocodiles. Elles ont 30 ans et pèsent entre de 80 à 150 kilos chacune. Même si à l'état sauvage, les tortues sont un met de choix pour les crocodiles, la vie en "communauté" à la ferme ne pose pas plus de problème que ça. Pour aider dans la recherche sur les reptiles et participer à la protection de ces animaux dans la nature, cette ferme est équipée d'un laboratoire et d'une salle d'incubation, insérés dans une énorme serre tropicale de 8000 mètres carrés. Eurodif est une filiale de l'entreprise française Areva qui exploite une usine d'enrichissement d'uranium établi au Centre nucléaire de Tricastin, à Pierrelatte, dans la Drôme. Le site nucléaire de Pierrelatte comprend de nombreuses installations nucléaires. L'uranium enrichi est le combustible de choix pour les réacteurs à eau légère, une technologie d'énergie nucléaire commune. Photos: Bruno VIGNERON/Maya-Press Created by Luc Fougeiroles in 1994, this farm, heated by heat recovery plant "Eurodif**" (European Gaseous Diffusion Uranium Enrichissement Consortium), receives more than 350 crocodiles (9 different species). Since 1998, a research laboratory has been added to the Crocodile Farm, and ten giant tortoises from the Seychelles, a protected species, joined the crocodiles. For sales, in France, contact us: Thanks.
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151 imagesParmi les nouvelles tendances touristiques, ce que l'on appelle le "slow tourisme" est en passe de devenir un veritable phenomene societal, touchant tous les publics. Les croisieres fluviales en France occupent desormais une place sans cesse grandissante, a tel point que Lyon est devenue la capitale française des croisieres fluviales. Un style de vacances qui a le vent en poupe Ce choix de croisiere est un vrai moment de convivialite et de detente en couple, en famille ou encore entre amis. Mais pas seulement en France. Certaines compagnies proposent des voyages en Allemagne, Portugal, Russie, Asie... Veritables hotels flottants, le personnel de ces paquebots fluviaux y est a la fois souriant, aimable et patient. Les chefs cuisiniers de la compagnie gerent et conçoivent leurs menus dans la pure tradition de la gastronomie française. Suite du texte:
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89 imagesDécouverte de La Havane lors d'un reportage sur un homme politique français et son ami Fidèl. Photos: Bruno VIGNERON/Maya-Press For sales, in France, contact us: Thanks.
98 imagesLYON, FRANCE - DECEMBER 08: A general view from the highest tower of the Basilica of Fourvieres, during the Festival of Lights on December 8, 2013 in Lyon, France. (Photo by Bruno Vigneron/Getty Images)
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19 imagesThe Festival of Lights in Lyon, France expresses gratitude toward Mary, mother of Jesus on December 8 of each year. This uniquely Lyonnaise tradition dictates that every house place candles along the outsides of all the windows to produce a spectacular effect throughout the streets. The festival, which includes other activities based on light, usually lasts 4 days, with the peak of activity occurring on the 8th. The two main focal points of activity are typically the Basilica of Fourvière which is lit up in different colours, and the Place des Terreaux, which hosts a different light show each year.
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43 imagesDesigned as a "social place" to encouraging meetings, with an open kitchen, a private space, a bar, a terrace and vinoteca, the brewery FR AME is distinguished by the creativity of his chef Andrew Wigger and the timeless vision of interior architect and designer Christophe Pillet. Together, they managed to transfer the West Coast spirit in a Parisian environment. It is also the biggest Parisian vegetable garden with his chickens and bees. Directly from producer to consumer. Pensée comme un « lieu social » favorisant les rencontres, avec sa cuisine ouverte, son espace privé, son bar, sa vinoteca et sa terrasse, la brasserie FR\AME se distingue par la créativité du chef Andrew Wigger et la vision intemporelle de l’architecte d’intérieur et scénographe Christophe Pillet. À eux deux, ils ont réussi à transposer l’esprit West Coast dans un environnement parisien. C'est également le plus grand potager parisien avec, en plus, ses poules et ses abeilles. Directement du producteur au consommateur.
75 images10th Anniversay's defile of Dance Biennal. As every year since 1994, the festival attracts thousands of people who are a mix of different classes and ethnic origins.
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9 imagesSome photos of St etienne and its surroundings. Photos: Bruno VIGNERON/Maya-Press
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22 images"Iles jamais trouvées" Exposition thématique collective réunissant 35 artistes internationaux à la recherche de nouveaux territoires. Jusqu'au 17 avril 2011. St Etienne metropole. "Iles jamais trouvées" Thematic group exhibition bringing together 35 international artists in search of new territories. Until 17 April 2011. St Etienne Metropole.
11 imagesAbbaye bénédictine Saint-Fortuné de Charlieu L'abbaye est fondée en 872 par Boson, roi de Bourgogne et Ratbert, évêque de Valence en un lieu d'abord nommé Sornin que le moines rebaptisèrent Charlieu (carus locus). Elle fut placée sous le contrôle direct du Saint-Siège, et fut consacrée en 1094. L'avant nef (narthex) a été ajouté au XIIe siècle. Il n'en demeure que le premier niveau de la façade ouest et les piliers de la première travée. St. Fortunatus' Abbey, Charlieu (Benedictine abbey). The monastery, dedicated to Saint Fortunatus, was founded in 872, by Boson, King of Burgundy. Its patrons were Ratbertus, bishop of Valence, in a place they called Carus Locus, and dedicated to Saint Stephen and Saint Fortunatus, patron of Valence. The abbey was placed under the direct control of the Holy See. The abbey church was consecrated in 1094. A narthex was added in the twelfth century.
38 imagesNational Museum of Natural History, Paris. The Gallery of Palaeontology and Comparative Anatomy is a part of the French National Museum of Natural History. It is situated in the Jardin des Plantes in Paris near the Gare d'Austerlitz. Photos: Bruno VIGNERON/Maya-Press
16 imagesLYON, FRANCE - DECEMBER 06: A tunnel of nearly 2 km for pedestrians, bicycles and buses, embellished with videos and sound effects, is inaugurated on December 6, 2013 in Lyon, France. The tunnel, passing under the Croix-Rousse, will take 2 mins by bus, 10 minutes by bike and 20-30 minutes walk. (Photo by Bruno Vigneron/Getty Images)
22 imagesRestaurant et cabaret aphrodisiaque, Paris. Le Secret Square, temple du glamour et de la volupté, est situé dans le 17eme arrondissement, vous invite à découvrir le seul restaurant et cabaret aphrodisiaque de la capitale. Canapés de velours rouge, bougies et lumières tamisées, on retrouve l'esprit boudoir réminiscence du Shangaï des années 20, propice à la séduction. Une ambiance lounge, un orgue à parfums contenant des flacons illuminés, toute cette harmonie fait du Secret Square le temple absolu de la sensualité. ( Source: Photos: Maya-Press
49 imagesThe Museum of Modern Arts of St Etienne. You do not have an access to these images. The French legislation is too complicated ...
24 imagesEn attente d'infos de la part du service de presse... depuis 2 ans.... Awaiting informations from the press service ... for 2 years .... Photos: Bruno VIGNERON/Maya-Press
26 imagesInside the french barge "La Balle au Bond", a must of the parisian nights. Photos: Bruno VIGNERON/Maya-Press
2 imagesNon loin de la gare centrale, à environ 30 minutes de l'aéroport de Bruxelles, le centre mondial du diamant d'Anvers s'étend sur un kilomètre carré. Il est doté d'une infrastructure unique, abrite quelque 1500 sociétés diamantaires et 4 bourses du diamant. Photos: Bruno VIGNERON/Maya-Press Near the central station at 30 minutes from Brussels airport, the Antwerp Diamond Center covers one square mile, housing 1500 diamond companies and 4 diamond bourses. For sales, in France, contact us: Thanks.
2 imagesBarcelone, Spain. Photos: Bruno VIGNERON/Maya-Press For sales, in France, contact us: Thanks.
8 imagesMaison sans Escaliers - Buildings without stairs Saint Etienne, France. Buildings without stairs built in the 1930?s by the architect Auguste Bossu. A single ramp allows the interior distribution. Photos: Bruno VIGNERON/Maya-Press Saint Etienne, France. La "maison sans escalier" construite dans les années 1930 par l'architecte Auguste Bossu. Une rampe d'accès unique permet la distribution intérieure.
22 imagesSome pictures of the work of M. Le Corbusier, near St. Etienne, the feast of St. Barbe and the Mine Museum. Photos: Bruno VIGNERON / Maya-Press Gallery in progress
17 imagesCreated over 60 years ago, in a seventeenth century's building , it bears the name of the gypsy girl who illuminates with her grace, the novel by Victor Hugo. Contrary to what one might think, it is not the oldest hotel in Paris, but it is inside one of the oldest house of the capital. Several rooms offer stunning views of the towers of Notre Dame and the Seine. In this setting of old stone with exposed beams and tiled floors, artists like Hugo Pratt, Béjart or Gainsbourg often stopped here... Decorated with antiques collected at the flea market, each room has its personality. Sometimes, the shadow of Quasimodo glides over the towers. Photos: Bruno VIGNERON/Maya-Press Créé il y a une soixantaine d'années dans un bâtiment du XVIIe siècle, cet hotel porte le nom de la gitane qui illumine de sa grâce le roman de Victor Hugo. Contrairement à ce qu'on pourrait penser, ce n'est pas le plus vieil hôtel de Paris, mais il est dans l'une des plus anciennes maisons de la capitale. Plusieurs chambres offrent une vue imprenable sur les tours de Notre-Dame et la Seine. Dans ce cadre de vieilles pierres avec poutres apparentes et carrelage au sol, des artistes comme Hugo Pratt, Béjart ou Gainsbourg s'arrêtait souvent ici ... Décoré avec des antiquités recueillies au marché aux puces, chaque chambre a sa propre personnalité. Parfois, l'ombre de Quasimodo glisse sur les tours. For sales, in France, contact us: Thanks.
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46 imagesRoomer Hotel Cat Created by Audrey Marrocco , this space, opened on march 2014, is only dedicated to the enjoyment of cats. There's no cages or fences. In this hotel, cats receive the same attention as human beings. 23 "standard" rooms are available, divided into different areas to avoid promiscuity." And a big one, like a "royal suite", but in a feline version. At "Roomer Hotel Cat", the "individual treatment" is important. A daily report is available to the owner at the end of stay. As a logbook , the document outlines all activities, the behavior of the animal, meals, etc.. Also, an infirmery and a playroom are available for these special customers. For that, you will pay the sum of 21 euros per day or 160 euros per week. A second one “cats hotel” will maybe open in Paris the next spring. (Photo by Bruno Vigneron/Getty Images)
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34 imagesBehind the scenes of the zoo of Lyon: a special tour that reveals the hidden face of this famous zoo in order to understand the day to day work of the team assistants for animals's care.
73 imagesSince 1643, the traditional vows of aldermen While the traditional vows of aldermen, Mgr Barbarin celebrates mass in the occasion of Virgin Mary's anniversary, then he grants traditional blessing to the city of Lyon and to its inhabitants from the balcony of the Fourviere Basilica.
8 imagesLYON, FRANCE - FEBRUARY 04: A general view of Lyon and the 'Vieux Lyon area' on February 4, 2014 In Lyon, France. Lyon, known for its historical and architectural landmarks was named a UNESCO Humanities World Heritage Site in 1998, one of 38 sites in France inscribed in UNESCO's World Heritage List. The City has set-up new urban descriptive signs to help tourists and visitors which can be used with smart phones and tablets. (Photo by Bruno Vigneron/Getty Images)
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92 imagesIdeally situated on the top of Roman amphitheaters, has two steps of the Basilica, Fourviere Hotel reinvents the old convent of the Visitation. In 1854 on the hill of Fourvière which sheltered then numerous monasteries, the convent of the Visitation Saint-Marie is one of the first works of Pierre-Marie Bossan (1814-1888) in Lyon. He is best known to be the architect of the basilica Notre-Dame of Fourvière. Like so many others, the monastery knew about the XXth century vicissitudes bound to the reduction in the vocations and weak economic conditions of the order, who worsened after the Second World War. It is then sold to the City of Lyon in 1965. Rented in 1970 to the Hospices Civiles of Lyon to accommodate student nurses, it is transformed into 1974 to receive the archives of Homes, kept in the Hôtel-Dieu. Strengths: - An unusual reception situated in the old chapel of the Convent. - A visual route created specially by the French-Argentine artist Pablo Reinoso. - The history of Lyon told through the characters who shaped her, on the doors of 75 rooms repartees on 3 levels. - Les Telephones, restaurant deployed around the peristyle of the convent with view onto the garden.
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77 imagesThe Festival of Lights in Lyon, France expresses gratitude toward Mary, mother of Jesus around December 8th of each year. This uniquely Lyonnaise tradition dictates that every house place candles along the outsides of all the windows to produce a spectacular effect throughout the streets. The festival includes other activities based on light and usually lasts four days, with the peak of activity occurring on the 8th. The two main focal points of activity are typically the Basilica of Fourviere which is lit up in different colours, and the Place des Terreaux, which hosts a different light show each year.
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