Vatican Illustration. Campo Santo Teutonico
VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - NOVEMBER, 20: Campo Santo Teutonico It is the oldest German National Foundation in Rome. Located left of the Basilica of St. Peter, the Teutonic cemetery surrounded by a wall, does not attract immediate attention, but the charm of this cloister full of history opens quickly in the same way more urgent. Here once stood the circus of Nero, which was the scene of the martyrdom of many Christians. After the sack of Rome, the Swiss chapel was the burial place of the guards.
Because of its rather unique position, the cemetery is of course always been a very popular place of burial. According to the statutes, persons who are entitled to burial in this place are the members of the Confraternity, members of several religious houses of German origin and two other German colleges in Rome: the "Anima"and "Germanico . It also contains the graves of famous dead in the areas of church life, art, politics or diplomacy.
The last burial was that of the young Prince Alexis of Windisch-Graetz in 2010. It was the second son of Prince Hugo, one of the gentlemen of Pope Benedict XVI, and the Archduchess of Habsburg.