Audrey, Marin's mother, Marin, Walery Doumenc and Clementine, Marin's girlfriend
Marin is just 21 years old.
One year ago, in Lyon, he was wildly assaulted because he was defended a couple which was insulted.
Today, he is still treated in a re-education center in Switzerland.
Since the assault, an unexpected solidarity was organized, in particular on the social networks.: hundreds of thousands unknown brought their support to Marin, to refuse the fate.
To thank all these people , a concert was organized on Saturday, November 25th in Decines.
The revenues of the evening will be put back to the association " La tête haute, je soutiens Marin "
Walery Doumenc, an artist of Lyon, has been the 1st to propose a record in homage to the young man.
All the sales of this record also go to the association.
Marin vient a juste 21 ans.
Il y a un an, il a ete sauvagement agresse a Lyon pour avoir defendu un couple qui se faisait insulter.
Aujourd hui, il est toujours soigne dans un centre de reeducation en Suisse.
Pour remercier les personnes ayant apporte leur soutien a Marin, un concert a ete organise samedi 25 novembre a Decines.
Les recettes de la soirée seront reversees a l association « La tete haute, je soutiens Marin. »
Walery Doumenc, un artiste lyonnais, fut le 1er a proposer de faire un disque en hommage au jeune homme.
Toutes les ventes de ce disque vont egalement a l association.
- Copyright
- Bony / Sipa
- Image Size
- 4000x2667 / 1.7MB
- Keywords
- Contained in galleries
- Concert for Marin