LYON, FRANCE: La jeune entreprise Allyane vient de dévoiler son approche thérapeutique novatrice donnant des résultats durables sur des patients atteints de troubles de la motricité, suite à un accident ou un AVC.
Perte d'amplitude d'un membre, démarche mal assurée des victimes de la sclérose en plaques ou paralysie avec récupération partielle, Allyane stimule les sensations proprioceptives du patient pour déconstruire par images mentales le mouvement touché, l'effacer des habitudes du cerveau et le reprogrammer correctement.
La technique consiste à plonger le patient en mode alpha, c'est-à-dire un état d'hypovigilance semblable à l'hypnose en lui faisant écouter des sons à basse fréquence.
Launched by Gilles Chaufferin, former leader of Laboratoires Boiron, Allyane has unveiled its innovative therapeutic approach giving lasting results on patients suffering from trauma, gait abnormality, ankle instability, spasticity, sequelae following a stroke…
Loss of amplitude of a limb, unclear approach of the victims of multiple sclerosis or paralysis with partial recovery, Allyane stimulates the proprioceptive sensations of the patient to deconstruct by mental images the movement touched, to erase the habits of the brain and the reprogram correctly.
All of these motor disorders can have a negative impact on the quality of life for people suffering from them.
In France, 6000 sprains occur every day, and more than 150,000 strokes per year. Over half of these incidents result in sequelae.
The consequences as significant in our everyday lives as they are for society as a whole.
Thanks to advances in neuroscience, ALLYANE is able to offer an innovative method whose rapid and long-lasting effects have been acknowledged in recent years by many patients, doctors and healthcare professionals.
The method involves immersing the patient in alpha mode, that is, a state of hypnosis (like hypovigilance by making him listen to low) frequency sounds.
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- New method for treatment of motor disorders