At H7, a place dedicated to digital entrepreneurship in Lyon, that the environmental candidate Yannick Jadot unveiled his program for the 2022 presidential election on Saturday January 29 in Lyon, on the eve of the verdict of the popular primary.
In front of 300 people, some seated on boxes, others standing, the MEP presented his new slogan, « Changeons! »
Yannick Jadot insisted on its social aspect. "Ecology is gardening, and social justice!"
He also wants to create more income tax brackets and a "climate tax on wealth which will tax assets over 2 million", a tax which according to him "will bring in 15 billion euros".
C est au H7, lieu dedie a l entrepreneuriat numerique lyonnais, que le candidat ecologiste Yannick Jadot a devoile samedi 29 janvier a Lyon son programme pour la presidentielle 2022, a la veille du verdict de la primaire populaire, .
Devant 300 personnes, certaines assises sur des cartons, d autres debout, l eurodepute a presente son nouveau slogan, "Changeons!"
Yannick Jadot a insiste sur son volet social. "L ecologie c est le jardinage, et la justice sociale!"
Il souhaite egalement créer davantage de tranches d impot sur le revenu et un "impot climatique sur la fortune qui taxera les patrimoines superieurs a 2 millions", impot qui selon lui "rapportera 15 milliards d euros".
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- Yannick Jadot en meeting à Lyon